Evaluation Report

The evaluation of the activities of the NA-CSO Platform was carried out among most active permanent participants, who had participated in almost all Platform discussions since its creation.

Analyzed were responses to the questionnaire by 22 permanent participants, including the National Assembly’s MPs and representatives of the NGO sector.

I. Participation in the Platform Discussions

The analysis of the participation in the Platform meetings demonstrates:

On average, the number of participants in each meeting fluctuated between 30-40 people and the ratio of MPs and NGO representatives was 1 to 3;
The ratio of female and male participants was on average 5 to 1;
 The greatest number of MPs was present at the initial and wrap-up meetings;

The participation of MPs in specific meetings depended on their interest in the discussed topics;
NGO participation in the meetings was largely determined by the availability of suggestions regarding the discussed topics;
Executive officials responsible for relevant issue areas participated in almost all the meetings.

II. How do you evaluate the work of the Platform?

  • The respondents have evaluated the work of the Platform almost unanimously as “good” or “excellent” and only one participant has evaluated it as “non-satisfactory.”
  • Three of the participants have provided “other responses.”
Other Responses:


It addressed urgent issues in a timely manner and publicized important issues.

In reality, everything started very well, expectations were great, cooperation expectations were high. However, due to not a very favorable political atmosphere in the country, the Platform did not manage to realize its objectives to the full. The war also played a major part, it led to a profound shock in the society and created a major barrier and divide between the society and the state system.


The logic of the work organization was quite promising; the meetings were organized according to issue areas, which provided the opportunity to address the issues of each area in detail. However, the representatives of the National Assembly did not show sufficient will to take measures to address the issues.


III. Platform’s Response to Emergency Situations

According to the participants’ evaluation, the Platform was able to respond to the challenges arisen as a result of the pandemic and armed conflict in Nagorno Karabakh to a satisfactory extent.

In particular:

Individual consultations were conducted with MPs, an appeal was developed jointly with CSO partners, and to pass on the appeal to the addresses, CSO representatives participating in the Platform made visits to different embassies;
Meetings were held within the framework of the Beijing+25 process to monitor the area of Women and Armed Conflicts and the implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1325;
For the awareness-raising purposes, information materials were prepared and disseminated on women’s participation and initiatives in emergency situations;
A special issue of the EQUAL Newsletter was prepared and disseminated on women’s participation in the fight against COVID-19.

Other responses։


I believe there has been a satisfactory response through discussions and public awareness-raising.


During this period, I was extremely busy and was unable to participate or follow the work. Nevertheless, I am sure that maximum efforts were exerted despite the gaps and omissions in the work of the state system.


IV. Platform Achievements

According to respondents, the Platform’s most important achievements are organization and maintenance of a continuing NA-CSO dialogue, as well as awareness raising among MPs and expert assistance to them on gender issues in Armenia and international processes on gender equality. In this context, respondents have evaluated the selection of the discussion topics as excellent.

By the way

The Platform’s work was also evaluated in 2019 for its first-year activities.

During the in-depth interviews conducted within the framework of that evaluation, respondents unanimously noted the periodicity and consistency of the meetings as the Platform’s main achievement. Half of the respondents expressed an opinion that “the creation of the Platform is by itself an achievement.” Many also noted that the fact of the Platform’s creation was “an unprecedented initiative.”

What are, in your opinion, the Platform’s main achievements, 2019?

50 %

The existence of the Platform is by itself an achievement.


The periodicity and consistency of the meetings was ensured.


It was needs-based.


It embraces a wide range of issues; it is an established and effective structure.

40 %

It is a strengthened and exemplary cooperation.


Suggestions put forth by the non-governmental sector are adopted.


The Platform offers the opportunity to jointly discuss priority issues.


Accountability and feedback are ensured.

V. Suggestions

Respondents shared the opinion that it is necessary to continue the work of the NA-CSO Cooperation Platform with the Parliament of new convocation.

Respondents’ suggestions regarding increasing the effectiveness of the Platform can be divided into three main groups:

1. Ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of the Platform’s work

- To continue the Platform’s work with the Parliament of new convocation;

- To provide for continuity of marz-level/regional meetings, making them more inclusive;

- To promote different formats of political dialogue and organize discussions among beneficiaries in educational institutions, communities, etc.;

- To replenish the organization of discussions with a Plan of Action, providing a clear timetable, specific timelines for its implementation, which will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the Platform’s work;

- To have the newly elected National Assembly reaffirm the importance of the Platform, to motivate and encourage MPs to participate in the Platform’s meetings and make their contribution within the framework of this initiative;

- Define any criteria for the participation of the deputies, thus guaranteeing the presence of the deputies in the discussions, especially the deputies represented in the National Assembly Council.

- To formulate suggestions presented by the civil society in a clearer and more unified way by achieving agreement on different viewpoints in advance to rule out the possibility of conflicting approaches;

- To create a working group composed of lawyers and experts adjunct to the Platform, which will collect, refine and formulate, in a legally literate manner, proposals by partner organizations and will maintain permanent contacts with the NA standing committees;

- To cooperate with female MPs to improve women’s representation in the system of local self-governance.
2. Expanding the composition of participants in the Platform

- To engage MPs of the new convocation and encourage their active participation in the work and discussions of the Platform;

- To engage in the Platform’s discussions experts or political figures, who have had a successful experience in countries with similar socio-economic and cultural characteristics;

- To carry out work to ensure a greater number of male participants in the Platform’s meetings, in particular by engaging men in discussions on gender equality with the purpose of taking into account their viewpoints, arguments and suggestions;

- To involve especially male decision-makers in the Platform’s work with the purpose of increasing their awareness and sensitivity;

- To engage marz-based civil society organizations as participants in the Platform;

- To create opportunities for beneficiary women to directly participate in the Platform’s meetings.

3. Expanding discussion topics

-To ensure the continuity of the discussed topics and add topics regarding development of the civil society, promotion of volunteerism, and anti-discrimination legislation;

- To expand the topics discussed by the Platform, incorporating, for example, sexual violence issues; 

- To continue discussions on legislative reforms promoting women’s employment and economic activism; 

- To include issues of integration of the people displaced from Artsakh in the Platform’s discussions;

- Pay special attention to the problems, peculiarities, and needs of women in vulnerable groups, as well as to laws and decisions containing elements of discrimination;

- To include problems of rural/regional women among discussed topics.

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